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Hai All, This is one of our fav cake which we always taste in Bangalore, though we get such honey cakes in our home town, but still Bangalore cakes are very unique and amazing flavoured. This recipe I have already posted in my blog, but still I'm posting it again for you all to read them easily instead of searching again. Unlike other cakes, honey cake shelf like is not too long, due to coconut flakes and diluted jam this cake must be consumed within three or four days when refrigerated. The easy , yummy cake recipe is as below,   Cooking time : 45 mins. Servings : 20 INGREDIENTS : Maida – 2 cup Sugar –1 cup Baking powder – 1 1/2 tsp. Baking soda – 1 tsp ( I used cooking soda). Oil – 3/4 cup. Curd – 1 1/2 cup. Milk – 3 tblsp (optional). Vanilla essence – 3 tsp.   FOR HONEY FROSTING:  Honey - 2 tsp. Mixed fruit jam - 3 tblsp. Water - 5 tblsp. coconut flakes - 2 tblsp.   METHOD : 1) In a wide bowl beat curd, Sugar, Vanilla essence till sugar dissolves and reaches lump


  Dear All, My recent post about a chicken curry reached so much that many ping me asking about recipe. So I thought of uploading it so that everyone can  ref anytime , anyday. This masala / varuval was so awesome and very appetizing that we make it atleast weekly once. The aroma, colour and dish itself flavour packed and im so sure that you are going to love it. Pls follow the recipe and tips part for the perfect colour and flavour. Im a follower of cookd Tamil channel and I saw this recipe in their channel once , the colour and recipe seems to be so inviting that I saved it and tried to get the perfect varuval. But I have altered the recipe according to our requirement.  The recipe is as follows, COOKING TIME :45 MINS. SERVINGS : 3 MEMBERS. RECIPE INSPIRED FROM : COOKD TAMIL (NAATU KOZHI VARUVAL) CHANNEL. INGREDIENTS : FOR DRY POWDER: Pepper - 1 tsp Cumin - 1 tsp  OTHER INGREDIENTS : Chicken - 500 gms. Dry red chillies - 5 ( i used kashmiri for the beautiful colour) Gingelly oil - 2


 Hai all, Bitterguard gravy with brown rice. I like bitterguard in any form but rest of the family likes only this gravy with bitterguard. The simple recipe is below,   COOKING TIME : 20 mins. SERVES : 4 nos. INGREDIENTS : Bitterguard - 2 nos Onion - 1 Garlic - 1 full Mustard - 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp Chilli powder - 1 tsp Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp Tamarind - lemon sized soaked and extracted the juice jaggery -1 tsp salt - as required Gingelly oil - 2 tsp curry leaves - 2 tblsp Coconut - 2 tblsp. Tomatoes - 2 big   METHOD : 1) Heat oil, add mustard, chopped bitterguard, curry leaves and saute in oil for 5 mins in low flame. 2) Add tomatoes , chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt, coriander powder and saute for a minute. 3) Add tamarind water, jaggery , water 1 cup and boil till bitterguard softens. 4) Grind coconut , add it to gravy and boil for minute. 5) Remove from flame and serve hot with rice. NOTE :  You can also add sambar powder while boiling.


 Hi All, It has been so long since i posted a recipe. Once the pandemic started ,entire family stayed in home all day, making my time miserable. Right from morning to night I was busy and no time for blogging. I was unable to manage blogging, photography, household chores etc etc. So I stopped blogging temporarily and now thought of resuming it a little. Made this pulao few days before with broken wheat. In Pollachi we use to buy Samba ravai for making upma, here in Bengalore Iam getting samba rava only in few shops other than that shops sell this broken wheat as rava :). And as usual my husband brought this broken wheat as Samba rava. So instead of wasting it, made this pulao with double beans.  Simple recipe is as below, INGREDIENTS : Broken wheat -1 cup Ginger -1" piece Garlic 10 pods Cinnamon 1 pc Cloves 2 Cardamom 1 no Other briyani spices 1 each (star anise, bay leaf, marati mokku) Onion 1.5 no Mint, coriander leaves 1 handful Lemon juice 1 tsp Salt Ghee ,oil 2 tblsp Briyani

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Hi, Sea has lot of creatures in it that we can cook and we were much more unaware of many . Squid fish is one among the yummy species which I was totally unaware even after coming to Chennai.One day in market I saw them and surprised that they are selling octopus ( it looked like that to me :)). Then I surfed in net and found actually they are squid ( kadamba / kanava) and not octopus , My friend Saranya cooked this gravy for us during her visit to our home .I copied the recipe from her and tried next week itself.Though the squid fish looks very weird the taste was so yummy and there is no fish odor in that.It just tasted like mutton. The cleaning part is little tricky but easy, I suggest once you finished cleaning dispose the waste immediately out of your house as the waste from squid fish is very smelly and also it starts leaving water .So dispose the waste of squid as quick as possible. Other than that the fish tastes heaven , spicy, yummy and very easy to cook. I have


தமிழில் காண : கிளிக்   Hi All, If you are a beginner in cooking ,then chapati is the toughest task that needs a lot of practice. When I was learning cooking my chapatis will be either crisp like disc or rubbery that you need to dentist after chewing😭 So I try so many versions to make my chapati perfect and this warm water method is one success method , This method is so easy that your chapatis will be very very soft and light. A few tricks to make your chapatis perfectly soft and puffy are , Add water little by little while kneading . Don't knead dough too dry , make slightly sticky dough so that while toasting it comes to perfect softness. The recipe of perfect soft chapati is below, COOKING TIME : 1 hour. SERVES : yields about 10 chapatis INGREDIENTS : Wheat flour – 2 cups. Salt – 1/2 tsp. Warm water – 1 cup ( appx). Oil / ghee – few drops. METHOD : In a wide bowl add wheat flour ,salt and mix , make a well in middle of flou