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Showing posts from February, 2017


தமிழில் காண : கிளிக்    Hi All, KADAMBA DOSA / HEALTHY DOSA! When you struck up with dinner ideas and wanted to make something healthy and interesting , then try this Kadamba dosa ( means mixed dosa). Advantage of this dosa is you can add any lentils of your wish and any quantity too. Also no one will find out what you have added in the dosa so you can add lentils whichever you feel healthy and as the dosa doesn't need fermentation , you can make it instant too. The recipe of this healthy and instant dosa is as below, INGREDIENTS : FOR BATTER : Raw rice – 1 cup. Urad dal – 1/4 cup. Channa dal / Kadala parupu – 2 tablespoon. Tur dal / Thuvaram parupu – 2 tablespoon. Horsegran / kollu – 2 tablespoon. Green moon dal / pasipariru – 2 tablespoon. Chole / kondakadalai – 2 tablespoon. Oats – 1 tablespoon. Flaxseeds – 2 tablespoon. Fenugreek – 1 tsp. Dry red chillies – 5 nos. Curry leaves – a bunch. Asafoetida – 1/4 tsp. Turme...


To view the rec ipe in Tamil pls cli ck HERE .. Hi All, Today Iam with my favorite mutton recipe.I love mutton but I stayed away from mutton for past few years due to non-availability of good quality mutton and also diet issues. Now I started following Paleo diet which encourages us to take meat so now I eat guilt free :). This mutton gravy I got from my old Hostel chef Kala akka ( this is how we call her).She makes non-veg amazingly so after my marriage I use to call her often for recipes and this one recipe is my favorite.She cooks in simple way yet spicy and delicious..Iam dedicating this post to our dear Kala Akka... The recipe is as below, INGREDIENTS : Mutton / Goat meat – 1/2 kg. Onion – 2 nos ( big). Tomatoes – 2 nos ( medium sized). Curry leaves – few. Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp. Coriander powder – 2 tsp. Chilli powder – 2 tsp. Chicken masala or mutton masala – 1 tsp. Salt – as required. Gingelly oil or coconut oil – 1 tsp. TO GRIND ...


Hi All, RAINDROP CAKE!! I have noticed this type of cakes in few groups but I never reviewed the recipe. Recently I came across this video and as the name Orange rain drop cake looked interesting I thought of giv ing a try.Luckily I was having all the required ingredients handy so I made this cake immediately. Traditional Japanese rain drop cake does not contains any sweet , it will be served with organic cane sugar.So I tried the same method and I should really admit it was yummiest among yummy..Plain ,silky slices along with brown sugar was really a best combination, Also tangyness of orange gave a pinch of more delicious to this cake. I made two cakes one with full orange and other with slices only , with slices I tried to bring heart shape but finally it ended it up with kidney shape..Innovative mess :))) The recipe is very simple and easy to try in home.   The interesting recipe is as below for you too, INGREDIENTS: Orange – 2 nos. Sugar – 1/2 cup. ...


Hi All, Finally opened a website for my own and this is my first post in my own website. Still working on new website ,as Iam not strong in webdesigning and its technical terms Iam really really struggling to set my new site. So coming back to today's recipe , today is yummy , spicy Mysore Masala dosa.Dosas are very famous in Karnataka and especially this Mysore masala dosa is signature dish. Though making of this dosa is little time consuming and patience work but still it is worth for patience,give a try and surely you will fall love with Mysore masala dosa. Iam happy to share the yummy recipe with you , INGREDIENTS : Dosa batter – 5 cups ( recipe link here) . Oil / ghee – few drops. RED CHUTNEY: ( STEP BY STEP PICTURE RECIPE CLICK LINK HERE) Coconut – 1/4 cup. Channa dal / Kadalai parupu – 1 tsp. Urad dal / Ulantham parupu – 1 tsp. Garlic – 3 pods. Chilli powder – 1 1/2 tsp. Sugar – 1/2 tsp. Tamarind – 1” piece – 1 no. Salt – as required. Ghee / oil – 1 tsp. FOR MASALA : Po...


Hi, SUGARCANE JUICE!! My Father's favorite drink.Wherever we go he never miss a sugarcane juice centre.We can say it is healthy when compared to our bottled drinks.We brought few sugarcanes for Pongal festival and we almost finished everything except one stick. And everyone got bored to eat too !! So thought of making it into drink and made it, One full cup gave only 1 glass of juice still it was yummy.As we are making in our food processor we cannot expect quantity as in machine but still it was fresh and hygienic. SERVINGS : 1 GLASS FOR 1 CUP SUGARCANE. The recipe was so easy and here below for your ref, INGREDIENTS : Sugar cane chopped – 1 cup. Ginger – 1” piece – 1 no. Lemon juice – 1 tsp. METHOD : Peel sugarcane and chop it into small pieces. Add ginger , chopped sugarcane in food processor and grind for a minute. Then add 1/4 glass of water and grind for few more mins. Remove from food processor and first ...

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Hi, Sea has lot of creatures in it that we can cook and we were much more unaware of many . Squid fish is one among the yummy species which I was totally unaware even after coming to Chennai.One day in market I saw them and surprised that they are selling octopus ( it looked like that to me :)). Then I surfed in net and found actually they are squid ( kadamba / kanava) and not octopus , My friend Saranya cooked this gravy for us during her visit to our home .I copied the recipe from her and tried next week itself.Though the squid fish looks very weird the taste was so yummy and there is no fish odor in that.It just tasted like mutton. The cleaning part is little tricky but easy, I suggest once you finished cleaning dispose the waste immediately out of your house as the waste from squid fish is very smelly and also it starts leaving water .So dispose the waste of squid as quick as possible. Other than that the fish tastes heaven , spicy, yummy and very easy to cook. I have...


தமிழில் காண : கிளிக்   Hi All, If you are a beginner in cooking ,then chapati is the toughest task that needs a lot of practice. When I was learning cooking my chapatis will be either crisp like disc or rubbery that you need to dentist after chewing😭 So I try so many versions to make my chapati perfect and this warm water method is one success method , This method is so easy that your chapatis will be very very soft and light. A few tricks to make your chapatis perfectly soft and puffy are , Add water little by little while kneading . Don't knead dough too dry , make slightly sticky dough so that while toasting it comes to perfect softness. The recipe of perfect soft chapati is below, COOKING TIME : 1 hour. SERVES : yields about 10 chapatis INGREDIENTS : Wheat flour – 2 cups. Salt – 1/2 tsp. Warm water – 1 cup ( appx). Oil / ghee – few drops. METHOD : In a wide bowl add wheat flour ,salt and mix , make a well in middle of flou...